WECE-2024 3rd Workshop on Electronics Communication Engineering

WECE 2024 -Workshop on Electronics Communication Engineering will be held on October 25-27, 2024 in Wuhan, China . It aims to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Electronics Communication Engineering. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and research findings face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. WECE is co-organized by Southeast University, China and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Wuhan University of Technology, China,

电子与通信工程领域涉及了信息与通信系统和电子科学与技术两个一级学科以及通信与信息系统、信号与信息处理、电路与系统、电磁场与微波技术、物理电子与光电子学、 微电子学与固体电子学等六个二级学科。研究内容包括信息传输、信息交换、信息处理、信号检测、集成电路设计与制造、电子元器件、微波与天线、仪器仪表技术、 计算机工程与应用等。顺应时代的发展,二零二四第三届电子通信工程研讨会将于2024年10月25-27日于中国武汉召开!会议旨在为参会者提供面对面交流新想法和研究成果、建立业务或研究关系以及寻找未来合作的全球合作伙伴的机会。 欢迎广大专家学者踊跃投稿,积极参会!

Proceedings 论文集

All accepted papers after proper presentation and registration will be collected in SPIE conference proceedings, which will be included in Digital Library and provided to the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science, Scopus, Ei Compendex, Web of Science (CPCI), Inspec, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, etc.
录用注册后的文章需现场做报告后(应出版社要求),都将收录至SPIE会议论文集, 而后被EI 核心和SCOPUS 检索。

WECE 2022 has been published online and included in SPIE Digital Library, successfully indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.
WECE 2022已成功出版上线,收录于SPIE电子数据库,并且成功被EI核心Scopus检索。
WECE 2023 has been published online and included in SPIE Digital Library, successfully indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.
WECE 2023已成功出版上线,收录于SPIE电子数据库,并且成功被EI核心Scopus检索。

Important Date 重要日期

Submission Deadline 投稿截止日期
September 25, 2024 2024年9月25日
Listener Registration 听众注册截止日
October 20, 2024 2024年10月20日