Call for papers

The conference is calling for papers from all over the world.

Conference Scope 征稿主题

The field of electronics and communication engineering involves information and communication systems; electronic science and technology; communication and information systems; signal and information processing, circuits and systems; electromagnetic fields; microwave technology; physical electronics and optoelectronics; microelectronics; information transmission; information exchange; information processing; signal detection; integrated circuit design and manufacture; electronic components; microwave and antenna; instrumentation technology; computer engineering and application, etc.Detailled topics also can be referred as below:Download the call for paper flyer HERE.

Advanced VLSI Systems Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Immune System Micro/nano-photonic Device
Broad Band Communication Mobile and Optical Communication
Circuits and Devices Mobile and Optical Networks
Communication and Information Processing Nanophotonics, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Computer and Intelligent Communication Network Security
Conditional Monitoring and Instrumentation Optical Sensors
Electrical Engineering Communications Optics and Optoelectronics
Electromagnetic and Microwave Semiconductors
Embedded Wireless Systems Wireless Communication
Fiber-based Devices and Applications Wireless Sensor Networks
Fuzzy and Hybrid Optimization  


© 2025 Workshop on Electronics Communication Engineering (WECE 2025)